Mickey Vallee

Canada Research Chair in Sound Studies

Tier 2 - 2017-11-01
Renewed: 2022-05-01
Athabasca University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Research involves

Examining how the physical sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities engage with emerging technologies and research innovation.

Research relevance

This research will shed light on how technological innovation can expand research collaborations and foster creative solutions to local and global social problems.

New Sounds, New Worlds

Emerging sound technologies such as bioacoustics recorders, silent speech interfaces, backpack microphones, and many others, are revolutionizing how people relate to their own bodies, to non-human organisms, and to the Earth itself. As Canada Research Chair in Sound Studies, Dr. Mickey Vallee is asking how new local and global research communities can be built around these new innovations in sound-based technologies.

Vallee is drawing on synergies between the physical sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities to determine how these fields engage with technological innovation. He is looking to understand how research is sparked by digital networks, digital devices and digital media in a globalized world.

In particular, he is using traditional qualitative methods to understand the personal and collective experiences that researchers, cultural producers and people in everyday life have with emerging sound technologies.

Vallee is also experimenting with “inventive” methods to test the value of creative interdisciplinary research and collaboration, including the use of digital apparatuses and storage, and analysis software.

Ultimately, Vallee’s aim is to break down disciplinary boundaries to facilitate collaboration between fields.