Gerhard Multhaup

Canada Research Chair in Molecular Pharmacology

Tier 1 - 2012-10-01
Renewed: 2019-10-01
McGill University
Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Coming to Canada From

Free University of Berlin

Research involves

Understanding the molecular basis of how gamma-secretase modulators in Alzheimer’s disease act at the molecular level to generate optimized compounds.

Research relevance

This research will lead to an understanding of the effects of NSAIDs/GSMs at the molecular level in symptomatic patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, opening up new avenues for amyloid-based therapeutic strategies.

Tackling causes of Alzheimer disease

Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder in the world. By 2040, as many as 1.4 milllion Canadians may be affected, with healthcare costs reaching $293B. In part, AD neurodegeneration is caused by an imbalance between the deposit and clearance of amyloid, an abnormal protein that builds up in organs and interferes with their normal function.

Dr. Gerhard Multhaup and his team’s identification and characterization of novel anti-amyloid inhibitors will advance our understanding of the molecular processes leading to amyloid plaque formation in the brain. It will also help develop new approaches to inhibit the neurotoxicity of amyloid Ab peptides, the main component of the plaques found in the brains AD sufferers.